British Composer Award Nomination | Juice Vocal Ensemble Commission

This month I got to attend BASCA’s British Composer Awards where my album/book Our Lady of Stars/Books of Hours & Changes was nominated in the Jazz Composition category. I didn’t win, but to be honest the nomination alone was such an enormous shock that that really was enough. I was so happy to see so many of my composer friends nominated/there; there’s so much great music is being written all the time that isn’t always recognised, or that I just haven’t heard of, it’s great that more genres & sub-genres increasingly get a place at the table. Congratulations to all the winners!… whose wins were all richly deserved.

I also had the pleasure of hearing Juice Vocal Ensemble perform my adaptation of Hannah from Our Lady of Stars for three voices & electronics at part of their Snow Queens concert series in Clapham. You can listen to it below, complete with a Clapham cat-miaowing cameo, who took to the stage to join in with the ensemble singing beautifully.