10 things I tell students who’re concerned about making money from music
Things I came to know on my solo 4200-mile cross-continent ethnographic research trip. Pt. 1, People & Practicalities
10 ways I connect my work as a musician & writer
How I wrote, recorded, & designed EPs in 48 hours using just my iphone
sorana santosep, writing an ep, composing an ep, writing, composition, songwriting, field recording, sound, sound design, ep in 48h, phone
10 times I started from creative scratch
10 Rules I Learned to Live By Last Year to Optimise My Creative Freelancing
What I learned about indefinite embargoes for practice-as-research/creative PhD’s
10 things I learned self-funding my PhD (& masters): Pt. 2, mindset
10 Things I learned self-funding my PhD (& Masters): Pt.1, Money + 10 ideas for low-cost housing
10 things that showed me I was ready to self-fund a PhD